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© 2006 BLACK-SOLACE {R.}
unless stated otherwise.


Twenty seventh August, 1992
Seek Ye, Lord!

Web album(Partial photographs) : MY WEB ALBUM

- * * * X X ♥ - -Love before midnight- - ♥ X X * * * -
Always remember the goodness comes from above

So, Tell Me


Grace <3
Hong lim
Jing yi
Jiun ru
Jie ying
Ke wei
Li hong
Pek shia
Say lee
Shi min
Shi min (Germaine)
Si ling
Soo ping
Wan yee
Wei zhong
Xing xia
Yun ting

flip through my past


Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Dad's story of the bronze coin and silver coin.

1:17 AM
i dream of you.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Can't recall the last time I smiled like a tomato.

Sometimes you think you are being considerate but it often turns out you are being selfish instead.

Funny how I don't have a say in it.

6:15 PM
i dream of you.

Friday, June 7, 2013

I must be crazy to endure jet lag when everyone else repaid their sleep debts.

When dreams feel so real, they reveal the inner soul, that's when sleeping becomes scary.

Sometimes we feel the need to alleviate the pain we feel but we just stay at the same spot, that comfort zone that seemingly brings us pain at the same time.

Maybe we do set deadlines to walk away or to stay but why do we have to?

For the love of hope.

Very much thankful it's Friday, the last work day of the week. But I don't really know if I would prefer keeping myself occupied with work which is precisely why I decided not to rest a day after my return from Europe.

I'm not quite close to depression, there's no need to worry.

I'm not excited at the thought of me, just me, with my work desk just right in front of the 2 bosses, the new one soon to be in.

This is quite a thrashy post but I just need to update this space of mine a lil.

I see so much melancholy, devastation and desperation for a gasp of hope everywhere. I read everyday. Sometimes we read to know that we are not alone. We do reposts, retweets whatnot.

Suddenly it strikes me, why should I join in the abyss? Isn't it silly seeing everyone jumping onto the wagon and not doing anything to liven up the dull sky? That's when it knocks sense in it.

All the feelings I used to have, still have, have, are still the same.

Under Earth: Fear is a choice, said Will Smith.
This kept rounding in my head.

Indeed, pain is not by choice but fear is by choice. Why don't you try, just close your eyes, take in a deep breath, tell yourself just stop the monsters from running in your head, open your eyes and smile to yourself. You gonna feel way better.

As for Christians like me, I do as mentioned above but I pray all the time. I know I'm not alone. Everything has its time. God has His reasons for all that happens whether you like it or not.

When it comes to love matters, I'm very thankful for my friends who are here for me, unfailingly. I don't think I can come thus far without them, really. Notice I can't thank 'lover' because love matters = lovers.

So I sign off here, leaving me with 5 hours of sleep till work.


1:54 AM
i dream of you.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

'Time check: 6.00 am. I don't turn to booze to fall asleep better. I take slow long strolls, till I a lil more air comes through, till I feel tired, till I feel better.

Woke up and still feeling like shit.

1:00 PM
i dream of you.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Never hurt the people who love you with all their heart, soul and mind. Never let go of them.
You may never meet someone like that again.

So I count my blessings and I thank God for all the good and bad things in my life.

If life is bed of roses, I probably won't cherish and appreciate things this much like I would now.

It's all the quarrels, conflicts, jealousy, worries, unpleasant feelings that make up life.

A couple of things to look forward to for the upcoming months and I'm excited but also waiting patiently (Trying, hehe)

1:23 PM
i dream of you.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Today marks the 3rd Anniversary for my darlie and dbro. I just sent her a text telling her how, there's this surge of joy that fills my heart, that brings tears to my eyes whenever I think of how loving they are. To cherish their love dearly.

Somehow this swept me off my feet with immense mixed feelings all of a sudden.

I remember that I had a couple of friends whose anniversaries were close to mine. And we would get a lil excited talking bout it when it was nearing. Many friends feel that monthsaries aren't important. Perhaps anniversaries meant something more to them. They thought little notes or cards didn't mean something, they were redundant and a waste of time.

On the other hand for me, monthsaries do mean something to me. They are little stepping stones that a couple has stride over together. Every moment counts. Every month counts, to stay together year by year. Those cards and little things that once professed love so well have verily been forgotten and deemed as 'expectations' and 'a waste of time'.


I'm deeply saddened when I get reminded of my relationship.

I don't know how things have has reached this stage. I once felt like the happiest girl in the world, I once knew for sure I wanna marry my prince charming. I once felt like I could live like this forever despite all the daily squabbles, conflicts and pains I tried so hard to endure. I once felt so loved, I once, I once, I once.

I can't describe how I feel like I'm dyin' a lil inside every single day the day I made some decisions. I'm like torn apart and I honestly don't know what I can believe in. I'm like happy, yet, biting, yet wary, yet cruel, yet happy, yet messed up.

The stress building up in me is escalating tremendously as people around me bring up the topic of getting engaged and weddings. When they question bout my time, I feel like I'm getting a panic attack. It's so sad, I used to have the answer, so sure, so certain. Now I'm just....please get this topic away from me.

His family already treats me like their own and I've grown so attached to them. But I guess a relationship involves the key 2 persons, more than anything else.

I don't know if I should continue my tracks backwards or should I take another leap of faith. But leap of faith in which?

I was taken aback by some confessions, not angry but sad, very. I surprised myself later on when I realise I could swallow it down calmly and forgive. And why so? I do know why.

I don't know when I started growing a heart of steel. The last thing I ever wanna do is to hurt anyone coz pain is real and I know how it feels.

My friends tell me I'm a person they respect the most in their lives. I feel very honoured, touched, amazed and I strive to stay the same in their eyes. To be someone they can fall back on. Now I have fallen from grace. But like I said, if I had a second chance to choose my step, I would take the same. So this is me. Please accept the way I am and stand by me.

I just need to face up to my feelings and be accountable to God. All in all, I just need support and understanding. What's wrong seems right. What's right seems wrong. Ultimately we just want to see our loved ones happy.

When it comes to love, I'm never a thrill pursuer neither do I plunge into the abyss of infidelity. I just.....want to face up to my deepest feelings.

Broken as I am.

Can you tell how mind screwing this sounds?

Ookie, here's me in Bangkok last April. A short getaway. A trip to celebrate his liberation. May this reduce the solemnness of this post as I feel much better after expelling all these built up monsters here.

12:53 AM
i dream of you.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Tonight, the air was still. The night was warm. But the hour ish walk did let me escape from my mindsphere just a lil while. To breathe a lil more. Somehow, each time I intentionally take a walk to take time to think, my mind is always, always blank.

I enjoy taking walks at night. I love being on my own sometimes. I appreciate the serenity and space to breathe. But I do not welcome the intrusion of mozzies on my skin. I suspect there are spiderwebs hanging from trees because they got me all itchy.

So Jo spoke of a video clip called 'Strangers again' and I youtubed it. I didn't expect myself to cry over a 16 minutes clip but I did. It walked me down the memory lane of my first relationship, those happy innocent times but to realise I'm back in the same awkward spot as I was a few years back. Maybe I'm just too tired, maybe I just don't wanna give my best anymore. Maybe my heart throbs like a bat out of hell when I get overly upset or worried. You know, that kind of feeling that makes you feel like you can't breathe and you just wish everything wasn't as bad as it seemed? Like a panic attack. How I hate playing mind games. How I hate conjuring clouds of possibilities. How I hate thinking so much. To ever cause one's thoughts to run wild, you have clearly hurt the person.

Everyone has the freedom to make choices. But sowing or regrets, consequences are all yours to bear. You can choose to walk away from things that make you unhappy. From things that you dread. But if you don't, how do you complain then?

I guess, liberty is not in my court.

I do not know what God's plan is. Many a times, I feel life is playing a fool outta me. All the time. I wish I'm stronger. I wish my emotions wouldn't rule my head. I wish my emotions wouldn't cause me to make blunders at work. I wish I didn't care that much, that overly much.

I don't wanna feel that way I did several years ago, a few years ago, a year ago. Not now, not anytime soon, not in the future. Please, don't put me through that ever again. There's no other side to that.

For my heart to feel cold, you have crossed the line, verily.


On a side note, I'm very thankful for friends who have always been there to pull a smile up my face no matter what goes wrong. I'm thankful that I haven't lost friends that I haven't seen in years. I don't know what I would be without them. And God.

1:04 AM
i dream of you.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Never gonna let myself feel that sense of biting insecurity again.
And warped by guessing games.

So guess what....I'm back :)

12:36 AM
i dream of you.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Gimme your heart make it real, or else forget about it

12:21 AM
i dream of you.

Friday, March 8, 2013

So.... the last blog post I published was dated 13th January 2013.

A sunday at JB

One Saturday, on my way to family chalet at NSRCC

The top view at Great Eastern elfie and I used to gaze across

Every moment takes my breath away

Barracks @ Dempsey
Here are a few images to brighten up this space of mine.
A couple of minutes wouldn't kill, we hear it all the time.

Just a couple of months, so much has changed.
My span of attention has changed/ a number of FKL colleagues so dear to me/ have left, things that used to matter so much to me, held on too tightly and causing myself so much misery, I have to learnt to let go/ things I used to be so insistent on, I learnt to relax, used to hate the feel of stacks of papers and reading long documents, I have to learnt to take up the responsibility to provide lady boss with the best support I'm capable of/ used to hate numbers, now I've befriended them/ am a loyal customer of Hong Lim Yong tau fu store, sadly the boss decided to wind up, I won't get to see the yong tau fu aunty daily ever again/ used to focus all my love and energy in one area that I absolutely felt no reciprocation or appreciation/ now I've set my priorities in an apt way, used to be good at withholding tears in my tear banks, now I'm easily teary and flowing/ used to conceal all my emotions and thoughts, now I express them freely at the right time and right place/ used to hate committing to work and school, counting, I've already stepped into the working society for close to a year and living it.

We all have dreams, different ones. Ambitions...not all may have. Plans, we make them - impromptu, advance and last minute.

Few years ago, I had a goal, I had my dreams, my plans. And I was certain that was the life I wanna lead. Now everything is smoky, I'm not feeling lost, I'm just not sure if this is what I desire as before.

Love, such a intoxicating word. Makes every morning worth looking forward to, yet, brings much agony at the same time. Like shackles, like chains.

I've lived my life with everyone in importance ahead of myself. I'm always trying my best to consider others' feelings before mine.'s getting tiring.

Waste not a year, an hour, a minute or even seconds. Every ticking counts. And that's what I don't wish to have, regrets.

Such a heavy post this Friday morning. Nonetheless, TGIF and have a good weekend to anyone who has reached this last line. Till then.

10:33 AM
i dream of you.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

So here I am penning down my last blog post of 2012 to sum up the year.
(EDIT: Finally sitting down to complete this post on 13th January 2013)

Let's start with the first month.


January was an excruciating month for me as Josh and I had one of the worst fights. It was a hectic month as the final year students had to go through sleepless nights to complete the final year project. Fell ill for a substantial period of time and my weight dropped significantly.


Finally graduated from TP in March. Bittersweet. I'm not a hardworking girl, more of a tardy queen. I love sleeping more than squeezing in buses of sardines for an hour journey to school for lectures whatnot. I would rather edit my numerous albums of photos than doing tutorials. Skipping lessons were more of my thing in first year. Gradually, my friends became annoyed with me and persuaded me to be a good school girl out of love. Grades hit me in my head and yes I became more committed to school in year 2. Had a good feel of what school really is as I proceeded to year 3, with internship and fyp exposing me to reality that I am growing up.

April - August

Prolly 2 days after I graduated, my internship brand manager rang me up to offer me a visual merchandising position at OSSIA. Beyond any doubt, I was exhilarated. Arts was more of my forte over academic. Besides, I didn't have to go through the tedious job hunting process.

I was handed over the port folio consisting of brands: -
Premium Brands
Bread & Butter
True Religion
7 For All Mankind

Luxury Brands
Just Cavalli
Paul & Joe
65 Barcode
Versus Versace

Lifestyle Brands
Baby Phat
Tally Weijl

Generally I would say a brand requires a team of visual merchandisers to conceptualize themes and execute the changes in the store. On the other hand, it was a one-man show for me to handle various brands. I return home worn out every single day. Various store visits in a day, changes and all, I was caught up in the neck.

The brands highlighted in red were proposed to expand the brand line of the company. Few weeks ago, I came across a new shopping mall, known as Atrium. Uncanny resemblance it struck as my head turned to catch a second glimpse of what seemed familiar to me. Quick flashbacks went through my mind as I missed everyone and everything I used to do back then.

A colleague once told me, 'You may be good at something that you love doing but you do not have to make it a career. It can be a hobby.'
That clearly woke me up. Thus, I bade goodbye to my fiery passion that has turned bittersweet.

September to current

I gave myself approximately a month to have a good break, to free my mind, to breathe and to seek my next journey. I prayed fervently for directions. Taking up a job and giving it up is not as easy as saying yes or no. God's grace, Josh mama recommended me and I got accepted in a lawfirm.

Arts.....designing....hands on...... What? Lawfirm?

Bet that crossed your mind. I could only agree with uncertainty and a step ahead for new challenges. I found myself immersing into my role at the lawfirm after a week or so. I loved my colleagues, I loved how interesting everything was. My boss is a fabulous lady, with a heart of generosity and humour. Of course, no monkey business when it comes to work.

Then, came news that my favourite colleague would be leaving us. She was my lunch buddy, my htht buddy, someone who would make work worth looking forward to. Her name is Lavanya, in short she's okay with us calling her Lava which I found it really cute. I would lean on her whenever I'm weary, we would tease each other all the time. Above all, I enjoyed her company. Her words are comforting and strengthening. She would tell me that I'm the sweetest girl, that I deserve all the happiness and love in the world. I'm not saying I like her because she says nice stuff about me. You can feel it when someone means something they say to you, that they wish the best for you. I miss her dearly and pushes her all the time to return to Singapore.

I have gained so much, so precious.


One of the highlights of the year: Bintan trip with my gee!
I like how steady (I can't think of a proper english word suddenly) she was when I asked if she was keen on a trip together. So we booked tickets and off we sailed.

I have always told her how thankful I am to have her back in my life.
In a photo caption I once said, 'I once lost a gem in the ocean, now I've found it back, I'm holding it close to my heart.'
The story of how we were once close and lost touch for a couple of years and reunited at a softball senior's birthday chalet........

My gee is a very well-sought lady, very cute and just special. Not your typical kind of girl to mess with. I like how genuinely she portrays herself. Looking forward to the next trip together.

Honestly I could go on forever, highlighting my friends with words from my heart but it's gonna take forever. I'm showing no favoritism all right! I appreciate every single one and one who are still with me.

My thoughts

When I think of the word losing, somehow darkness fills my mind. It's scary. But when you lose something, you gain something. Often, we don't realise it because we are unwilling to accept the loses we cherish dearly. Perhaps, we actually lost because we didn't hold on to it the way we should have. But God will never shut all doors, He always gives you a way out. To figure out life? To figure out what's important? Your story to tell.

I've known myself to make decisions in line with people who are important to me. Say for example, I made up my mind to work for a few years till Josh is done with NS. Wasn't easy, definitely. In all I do, I pray for God's guidance. I would believe it's still in His favour, looking how far I've come.

Along the way, people advise me to study at my age, to not make decisions in line with anyone because it is my life to lead. They tell me I'm still young, why suffer in the working industry when I have a life ahead to work away. Well, impulsiveness is a taboo in my dictionary. Consequences are real, I do not tamper with them. This step I've taken reflects my life plan that I picture in my head and I wish to accomplish it together with my life partner.

When life throws lemons at you, make lemonades out of them. But do we all know how to make lemonades?
I find relationships messier and harder to understand as I grow older. I acknowledge differences between males and females, the way the neuro connections work, the way interpretation channels differently.
Everything we are now, are choices we made in life. Nobody can force you away from your happiness because you hold the key to it.

I'm terrible at balancing, even literally and that is why I have bumps all over my poor calves. Nonetheless, I'm very thankful to God for my friends who are extremely patient and loving towards me that they accept all the lack of time I wish I could make up for it.

I'm thankful to God for the reunion with people I've missed dearly. If distance does not wipe away someone from your head, you know that person is really important to you. Still, one regret like other years, I have failed to reconcile with my hubz. Thank you for being willing to reply my facebook messages. Thank you for telling me I've always been on your mind despite us losing contact. You have always been on my mind and in my prayers, I'm still looking forward to a reunion.

A second regret, still, I do not have the calling to focus more time on my family. I do not feel as close to them.

A third regret, I have friends asking me about church. I could possibly introduce them to God. I have a barrier I can't overcome. I feel my faith is still lacking, I don't have the courage and ability to bring them to Christ. For this, I may lose that one and only one chance to share the gospel with them.

My relationship

Joshua was a significant choice I made about 2 years ago. Once I step right in, I have no intention to opt out. He has loved me with his very best, to make me happy in ways he attempted. Our relationship hasn't been smooth-sailing, which falls back on both of us. I once read somewhere, if you don't want your relationship to turn sour, don't tell anyone. Which can be true at times because a million people have different perspectives of things.

Perhaps he has tried to love me with his very best but I can't really feel it. It doesn't mean he doesn't but the way he does it is just different. I wouldn't categorize myself as a very sticky clingy possessive girlfriend coz those three words make my insides churn. There have to be ample reasons why this, why that. To me, a true couple are like soulmates. They share anything, everything. There isn't exactly a line drawn. There aren't boundaries like what I can share and what I can't. Once the trust is established, the two are a formidable force.

I seem to be typing a lot. But backtrack, when was my last deep post?

You know, conversing with people allows you to learn new things every instance. Yes, these conversations may sway or influence you but ultimately, the key holder is still yourself. I'm gonna be pretty open. Thoughts like....maybe we are still young, why commit heavily and have thoughts of settling down? You know, just enjoy and see how it goes.

Josh's parents have always journeyed with us. The way they treat me like their own, the rich love and concern always makes my heart ache with joy. The way they love their so admirable.

Giving it a thorough careful thought, I would still stick to my commitment, my promise, my 090620102359 choice. Once you have found someone you truly love, deeply, madly, you wouldn't consider another.

Here's where I'm coming from, it has to be mutual in order for the love to be protected.

Once you fall in love with someone, you never really do stop loving, do you? 

2012 could been considerably pretty shitty to me but thank you for all the pillars of support to push me through this year. 

With love,

Disclaimer: I don't really have the time to do quality check, I hope this post is as accurate as I drafted it

12:50 AM
i dream of you.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

This Christmas may be biting cold in your hearts. I feel for you dear. Be very strong. The pain is real but He still lives in your hearts.

Deepest condolences to you Jans and your family Xx

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.8

12:12 AM
i dream of you.

Monday, December 17, 2012

So wanna get away from this island. Just myself. Alone time

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.8

12:27 AM
i dream of you.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

 Golden Gate Bridge, USA

I guess life is full of ups and downs. We've entered my favourite month, the Christmas season but why does my heart feel more and more sunken as the days pass?

I can't do without God, can't do without beliving in Him and abiding by my religious ways.
I can see where Christian (Or maybe even other religions) parents step out to protect their heirs. However, youth only comes by once. I always say, if you don't be naughty now or try new things at your young age, when's the time to?

Out of our mothers' wombs, before taking a peek at the world, we open our mouths and start wailing, Next, we get enrolled into schools and schools again. We join clubs, mingle, make friends. We take up part time jobs to take a feel of what it's like, we earn extra allowance, make friends. Then, we stop at the crossroad wondering whether to enter the working industry or to further studies. This is how life goes in Singapore. We follow. We always have to listen to some sort of direction that is thrown to us.

I would like to do things differently. I would like to create some magic in my life with the dreams that I have.

Colleagues in the office call me the baby of the office, they said only I can get away with murder.
I guess I'm always seeking for someone who can protect me from the ugly things I've seen over my few years of existence on this planet.

I only wish for a simple and happy life, that's all.
It may be easy for me to forgive, I may trip and bump into things everyday but I know who's good and who's not. I'm not that dumb

                                                             Never stop lovin'

1:04 PM
i dream of you.